The Dark Ages: (Analogous with the Great Apostasy Jesus's early followers spoke of. - 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3) The Dark Ages was a terrible 1000+ years in mankind's history when the Bible was hidden by the then "world" church, thereby causing mankind to exist in darkness. Using Christ's name and claiming they served God, the apostate church burned and tortured people to death during those dark years for such crimes as owning a Bible or speaking against the church. The Dark Ages began about 300 or 400 years after Christ's death, and then began to be exposed and undone by sincere Bible students about 1000 years later. It's influence persists to our day. (It was largely exposed by the reformation [Protestant] movement started by men like John Calvin and William Tyndale.) The dark ages was brought to birth as the church, which was created and left behind by Christ Jesus, abandoned his teachings and followed an improper desire to gain protection from, and then power over, it's enemies. They sought protection through an unholy alliance with the Roman state. Rome's reason for going along with the arrangement was to gain credibility and the faith of it's subjects. That unholy marriage of church and state brought to birth what has been called the Holy Roman Empire; and gave rise to the state church which was the predecessor of today's Catholic church. The church gained the power it sought, as hundreds of thousands were converted to  Christianity  Catholicism at the point of a Roman sword. They were, in their own imagination, after all, God's true servants and doing his work. [It seems modern radical proponents of Islam (and other false religions and nation/sects) are trying to employ that same technique of conversion by force as the Catholics invented.] While Rome's army carried out the church's crusades of mass conversion, many thousands were also burned alive or put to some other horrible death by the Church itself; using the power of the inquisition granted it by the state. People were killed for witchcraft, or any other offense the Church leaders deemed appropriate. Their "sheep" just went along... Anything the church considered "a standing away" from their organization brought death. The church actually created machines of torture too horrible to consider. Their purpose was a public execution, as horrible and painful and taking as long as they could possibly make it. They wanted their "sheep" to serve them out of fear if they had no faith. They were in their own vain and unholy mind, remember, God's true servants. One offense that could bring such a death was owning or even studying the Bible. The apostate Church claimed faith in the Bible, but had decided common persons were not smart enough to understand God's Word without Church guidance. They unscripturally asserted the Bible was too complicated, (Mark 9:7) so that common people needed a priesthood (or anointed class) to "interpret" Jesus's words for them. (Mat 11:25) They tried to convince people they needed to be approved by the Church to have God's approval. Sadly, that thinking persists among most main stream self-proclaimed "Christian" religions to this very day. (The exception is, of course, the group consisting of sincere Bible students, those "individuals" who are footstep followers of Christ Jesus; made so by reading and relying on "his" words...) The apostate Church had deviated so far from the teachings of the Christ (as recorded in the Bible), they imagined salvation depended on them rather than on faith in Jesus [faith built on personal knowledge of his teachings from the Bible]. (Acts 4:12) . . . • Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved. . . • [Most modern self-asserted "Christian" organizations got their start by breaking away from the so called Holy Roman Church during the reformation. The Protestant reformation movement was simply an awakening to truth with the breaking away from the early Catholic Church; by individuals trying to reveal the Bible's truth to the people suffering under the imposed ignorance and intolerance of that apostate church (which had created the Dark Ages). Much of that Church's ignorance still persists in its unscriptural teachings, such as elevated positions taken by the Doeg leaders of most organized reformed religions. YOU can protect yourself and become noble minded only by studying the words of Christ from your own Bible. (Acts 17:11)]

The Great Apostasy: (2 Thessalonians 2:2-3) Although those dark ages of our history (which enveloped most of mankind) started to be dissolved by the light of truth after about 1000 years (in about 1300 or 1400 AD), adherents to it's dark false teachings persist. Supporters of untruth try to fend off (hide from) Bible light. Even so, truth gets brighter and brighter! Peter said that would be the case right to the end of all wickedness. (Armageddon is the end of all wickedness.) God said there would arise false teachers to undermine the clear understanding of truth left us by Christ. (2 Pet 2:1-3) We certainly see that today! [The Pope just announced  his  "the Catholic Church's" approval of homosexuality... (1 Cor 6:9-11) According to Paul's words there in 1 Corinthians 6, wouldn't you say that stand by the Church is apostate? Please know it doesn't matter what is popular with this world!] The apostasy of the early church is what brought the dark ages. Without faith in God's word, being aware of this information can be terrifying. Just realizing how hurtful this old world system is "should be" terrifying to any sane person: One in four (probably much more by the time you read this) of those alive are starving. Knowledge of what the Bible really says, however, gives hope even in the face of the terrible problems faced. It is Bible knowledge that allows you to know God personally. That means you know how and what you can ask him for. You surely realize you can't get his help if you defy his teachings, such as in saying Bad is Good. (Isa 5:20; 1 Tim 1:9-17) Those who say homosexuality is acceptable to God are defying him. (1 Cor 6:9-11) The Bible says they are not Christians. (John 8:31-32) A part of our tribulation includes the revealing of the enemies of truth in preparation for their destruction at Armageddon. Those trained by the Bible realize every trick false teachers are really able to employ. Though it takes on a lot of names and forms, Satan really has only one trick: All false teachers fail to direct people to listen to Christ by reading his words. Instead, they all encourage or allow people to follow after those who spread lies. (2 Tim 4:3) The Pope saying homosexuality is acceptable to God is a lie! Don't you be fooled... (1 Cor 6:9-11) God is in the process of holding them all accountable. (Rom 1:18) Helping is the purpose in your hearing this simple Bible truth! [Please consider the revealing of the Man of Lawlessness.] Most of the lies being spread toady are simply a continuation of the false teachings which brought about the dark ages some 1700 years ago. The Bible light of the reformation gives a wonderful choice (John 8:32) to all persons who want a choice: They can choose to follow Bible truth by reading the words of Christ [for themselves]. Or, they can remain trapped in the apostate lies contained in the sectarian doctrinal writings and teachings dreamt up by men. If you ever have doubts, simply compare what you are being taught with what Jesus says in the Bible. His words are recorded in the four short Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We are, each one of us, in this day witness to the accomplishment of the judgment of Creation: We are witness as Christ, using his words from the Gospels, is accomplishing the separating work throughout the earth. (Mat 25:31-34) Make no mistake: Your personal faith in the teachings of Christ Jesus can provide you life. (John 3:18 ; John 3:36 ; John 6:40 ; John 11:26) There is nothing to fear, as long as you remain a sincere student of, and remain obedient to, the teachings of Christ in God's word the Bible. (John 8:31-32) Simply do your best to learn what the Bible teaches, (Mat 17:5 & John 1:12 & 8:26 & 15:15) and love will dictate you then share what you learn with your neighbors. (2 Tim 4:1-2) Never be deceived, though; the Bible is your only dependable source of spiritual food. Do not be misled by the plethora of false teachings among men.

The Bible is not hard to understand (Mat 18:2-4) but it cuts right to the heart. (Heb 4:12) The truth and light of Bible knowledge is not hidden under a basket. (Mat 5:14-16) Any person sharing knowledge of Bible "truth" (by simply talking with others about what Jesus said) is bringing light to the world (for the purpose of giving life). (John 8:12) As the early Christians worded it: (Acts 13:47 LITV) •"For so the Lord has commanded us, 'I have set You for a Light of nations, that You be for salvation to the end of the earth.'"• (Isa 49:6) That opportunity to share light extends to all mankind. As you gain knowledge of the "truth" of the Bible, seek occasion to share it with others. (Mat 10:7 ; 2 Cor 2:14-17) Nothing will bring you more satisfaction from life. (Acts 20:35) Print this webpage and ask others what they think of it. Act now, the time is short! (Acts 17:30-31) If you don't have computer internet access, most public libraries make it available... These points provide excellent topics for conversation. Library personnel can help you find the webpage and maybe be interested in talking about it with you.

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