Do YOU have the Mind of Christ?
Putting on the Lord's mind can save
your life... if you believe!
[John 17:3]
Written: March 2025

Now that our world seems embroiled in the tribulation or more likely Armageddon, what do you see as your salvation. What do you believe can deliver YOU?

Jesus said something to a group of his disciples that can help you understand... What he conveyed seems key to our having life. Jesus was hungry and went to pick some figs. When the tree he went to proved unproductive, he cursed it and the tree withered instantly. His disciples were amazed. How can this be, they asked him, that the tree withered instantly? Reading his response leaves me feeling he was a bit surprised or even miffed at their question. They had been traveling in his presence, seeing him heal the sick and raise the dead. Why, really, then, were they surprised that he withered a tree? Jesus responded to their question, and/or to their surprise: Please hear and take special note: Being found in these last days and in the midst of Armageddon, means it's time to put on your "big Christian" pants! That "command" about what your faith can do for YOU; those are the words of Jesus Christ, not mine! Did you, though, really hear and take to heart what he said? Do you believe him? More importantly, do you have real faith in his promise? Are you building true hope in his words; making them part of your faith?

In addition to Jesus's promise we can have anything we ask God for in faith, God promised we can live forever, and that our flesh will become fresher than in our youth! Doesn't living forever, while regaining our youthful health and vigor, doesn't that sound like something good to ask God for... Assuming you do believe the words [the command] of Christ above, about our faith bringing us what ever we ask for, do you also believe the promise by God that our youthful vigor will be restored? If you do believe, how do you think it might happen for you? That, my dear brother or sister in Christ, is part of what our Heavenly Father יהוה sent our Lord Jesus to explain. Jesus first told his hand picked disciples, and then, יהוה had Jesus's activities and teachings recorded for each one of us as well; like the one above about what faith can do. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Are we listening? Are YOU listening?

The key to having all God has promised lies in our putting on the mind of Christ! (1 Cor 2:14-3:7; Eph 4:20-24; Gal 3:27 of 26-29) How, though, can we do that? We do that simply by immersing ourselves in what Jesus said. And, we can only do that by reading the Gospels over and over to familiarity. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) That personal effort makes us friends of Jesus and grants faith to know we can have the things we ask from our Father. (John 15:11-16) In this time of Armageddon, that does mean your very life! You can ask our Father to protect you alive, and it will happen... That "is" what Jesus said: (Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:40‑55)

Jesus did what ever he wanted using the Spirit granted him by his Father; (Acts 10:38 of 34-43; Mat 3:16; Isa 61:1-2; Isa 42:1-4; Isa 11:2) and, he taught his followers we can do likewise. (John 5:19-24 of 18-30; John 14:12-14 of 10-17) Peter had faith and the Spirit enabled him to walk on water, and then he didn't and he couldn't. (Mat 14:23-34) Peter was and had been Jesus's faithful follower, but he was still in the process of putting on the mind of Christ. Jesus wouldn't have doubted and sunk into the water like Peter did. Peter did mature and get better at using God's Spirit. (Acts 3:1-8) If we are to have the blessings of eternal life from our Father יהוה, I believe that requires we put on Christ's mind; that is to say, we must put on his faith. We need to learn to have the same unwavering faith in God's spirit that Jesus had. I doubt he struggled or hesitated when he withered the fig tree! He had come to take nourishment from it by eating some of its figs. Maybe he drew out its life force to take that nourishment... [I am absolutely not saying "the Bible says" Jesus did that! That's just "my" thought about the matter. Its always seemed inconsistent with what I know of Jesus that he withered the tree... I'm sure he did have some reason!] At any rate, we have to truly believe God is helping us based on what we know He promised. Isn't that really what having or putting on the mind of Christ means? We need to learn what Christ taught and build faith, and then to speak to others about יהוה and his son! (Mal 3:16-4:3) Share these scriptures with everyone you know! Having the mind of Christ means or is your Deliverance!

All the promises of God can thus be thought of as commands of what will be. God prophesied, for example, Jesus's life would be sold for 30 pieces of silver (Exo 21:32; Zec 11:12-13) and that he would suffer and die for our sins. (Isa 53:5) Matthew then recorded that ancient prophecy about the price paid for Jesus had actually been a command. (Mat 27:3-10) It's obviously not that God literally commanded Judas to kill Christ, but He foreknew the badness of some among mankind would lead them to kill his son. God's foreknowledge thus becomes a command because it is perfect and unerring. God then simply maneuvered some who were on track to destroy Jesus to set his prophesied price to fulfill his command; in or by their own badness, of course. God doesn't make people wicked or cause them to do bad things, but whether they be good or bad, He can control their actions as he sees fit. Don't you see; Jesus's stating you can have what ever you ask God for, has that same absolute beauty of certainty, if you have faith. [Scriptures for faith to eternal life and health: Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27-30; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42-48; John 7:37-39; John 19:34]

The only question that leaves you is what you truly believe! It is the same for me... I want and try to believe as hard as I can, but in all honesty, I'm never quite sure I do. There is so much emotion all mixed up in there... I want to be blessed by God and live forever, which could just be selfishness. God's word tells me, however, if I do really believe in a God who is good, that should properly include my wanting to live. (Heb 11:6) I have a neighbor who tells me I am holed up in my home like a coward, just publishing my little web site. She seems to feel I should be more proactive in our community. She is certainly right about me trying to stay separated from this world, except, that is, others who love my Lord Jesus. My website is my way of associating with all of you who read this. There are a whole worldwide group of churches who condemn me, with at least two publicly announcing I am an enemy of God... So, then, it all leaves me constantly rolling over in my mind whether I actually and truly have faith, or am just trying to reward and/or justify myself. (1 Pet 3:15) All I know is this: Christianity is a course I set myself on from youth. Certainly not saying I have been very good at it, but I have never relented. I have very literally sacrificed  many  most of the things I would have pursued in my life, had it not been for my faith. During war in my youth, [] I took action that placed my life in danger; doing so in faith God would make everything alright. In these days of Armageddon and during my old age, I express my faith [publish my website (Rom 10:9-10)] believing my God יהוה will make everything alright. The truth of the Bible I see being worked out in the world and before my eyes, is a light for me that is getting brighter and brighter... (2 Pet 1:19; Job 11:16-20) I have put my hand to the plow and I can't let go. (Luke 9:62) Do, then, I have true faith? Just like you, I'm waiting to see... (John 3:18-19; Mat 25:31-32; Luke 13:25-27 of 24-28) If you are one listening to Jesus Christ; I pray for you. Pray for me! Speak with others about these scriptures and about our day of deliverance...

Even in the midst of all the trials and suffering of this world; I find myself happy! (John 15:11 of 1-15) My happiness surprises me a bit sometimes... But, I do consider my happiness a comforting sign of good. (Mat 5:1-16)

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