--- Are You Blessed? ---
What does that mean? What do the true God's blessings look like?
Could your religion be deceived about being blessed? Could you?

Written: February 2025

In February of 2025 we find the news continuing its job as our eye on the world, giving each of us a view onto the continuing 6000 year long drama that has been the history of mankind. God's toleration of sinful mankind's drama of life has been our tutor leading to Christ. (Gal 3:23-26) It is now undergoing it's conclusion; which involves each of us living out our part in its final act. That finish or end is the tribulation and/or Armageddon destroying all the wicked from among the righteous during these last days. (Mat 24:3) [You are, aren't you, aware the tribulation/Armageddon is a blessing to those who love the One True God? (Luke 21:28 of 25-28)] The point I am getting to: The world news just showed us an example of a grave danger of self deception many of us are in peril of being "destroyed" by. Do you recognize that danger; as a danger to YOU? Or, are you one who is oblivious? I don't think anyone can continue without being awakened from ignorance, to their opportunity to make themselves wise for life; or, to swap out their ignorance for stupidity! (Isa 45:22-25)

In the February News we see Muslims in Gaza released by the Israelis and flocking back into the ruins that were their homes. Some among them carry signs and flags asserting their conviction their Muslim God Allah has blessed them with victory? Question though: Does their plight look like a victory of god to you? Do you personally share their conviction their experience and situation represents blessings by the One True God of Creation? One Muslim woman said she had sacrificed her son and was ready to give her grandson to the cause. Doesn't she seem sincere! I do not think, really, I could feel blessed by God in her situation... On the other hand, our feelings [my feelings] are relative and unreliable as to truth... I am convinced I am blessed by יהוה but my life has problems too! The very fact any "individual" in Gaza; [or in Ukraine or just anywhere in this violent earth, really... (Gen 6:11-13)] the fact anyone remains alive might indicate "that one person" is being blessed by the One True God. If you do know "anyone" who is being blessed, "please now allow me to introduce the God" who is protecting that person; the God preserving "all" who are being protected...

The Name of The One True God and Creator is יהוה. [To English speakers, the Divine Name sounds like Yea-Vah. You should not write Yea-Vah to represent our Creator. Yea-Vah is just a made up English "sounds like" word.] Our Creators Scriptural Name is יהוה! That is the word given the Hebrew people with whom God first used His Name. (Exo 6:2-3) "The Name" is important! (Exo 20:7; Isa 45:18-21; Isa 45:22-25; Lev 24:16) Just really take a minute and "look" at the Divine Name; displayed here in two different fonts: יהוה and יהוה. You can learn to recognize and even to write it. God used his personal Name over 6000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures of the Bible He inspired. (2 Tim 3:14-17)

In addition to introducing you to our Heavenly Father and Creator, whose name you now know is יהוה, I want to introduce his firstborn son Jesus Christ. (Heb 1:5-6; Rom 8:28-29) If you want to "feel" blessed, and to actually "be" blessed, you must know both Jesus and his Father! (Pro 30:4) And, you must realize you can and must become their "friend." (John 15:11-16; James 2:23) Let me just insert I don't want your money or anything from you; but to give you something... And, I do want to make sure you understand following or even knowing "me" has nothing to do with you being friends with God. You just must realize my secret (Rom 16:25-27) and make it your own: It's God's secret really, and יהוה's secret is "our" need to hear and then follow his one latter day command to listen to his son; (Mat 17:5) and then, to be careful you don't let people misdirect you from doing just that. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Why should you follow יהוה's command to listen to his son? Because Jesus promised your faith in his words will bless you with anything you need and even want... [Scriptures for faith to eternal life and health: Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27-30; Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:48 of 42-48; John 7:37-39; John 19:34]

People pick a God because they want blessings from him. That is good and proper, (Heb 11:6) if they choose wisely... (Heb 1:1-6) Sadly, the sheer number of churches and their activities [often even killing each other in the name of their God] indicate many have chosen badly. Faith based in truth can lead to the perhaps greatest hope [blessing] humans can enjoy: A true and real "belief" things are getting better! (Rom 8:28) But, if our religion is wrong and based in lies, it can lead to our greatest deception... Blind faith can lead people to continue to serve the God they have chosen; even when the evidence indicates their chosen God is not God at all.

A clear example of when a god was not God can be seen in the god of the Japanese Nation during the 1940's. They believed their emperor was god, and their nation worshiped and followed him as such. They believed one of his blessings was he would lead them to victory as combatants in World War II. When the atomic bombs brought them never before seen death and destruction, they were forced to capitulate and the sensible among them to realize their emperor was not god. I mention the Japanese but many or even most nations have some sort of national god. [Italy has the Roman Catholic Church and follow the Pope.] A near parallel account to the Japanese was the Egyptians of a bit over 4000 years ago. They had their Pharaoh as God. It proved as disastrous for them and their God as it did in the more recent Japanese account. (Exodus 14:26-28) The sensible among those nations were forced to learn their god was not God. The greater deception I speak of, however, is when groups of people are so deceived by their form of worship they absolutely fail and/or refuse to realize or accept their chosen god must surely not be the True God. The true God יהוה, however, is "always" listening... (Mal 3:16-4:3) He says they "will all" know him; each and every one of them will know! (Isa 45:22-24) Do you know יהוה and are you helping him let everyone else know? (Rom 10:9-10) The world having to bear witness to Armageddon is removing their ignorance and bringing them all knowledge which affords them a chance to manifest wisdom. These scriptures will help everyone know and understand what is happening to our world and why; what is happening to us all!

So, I ask again, do YOU feel blessed... More importantly, do you feel blessed by Jesus Christ and his Father יהוה? Well, are you truly happy? (John 15:11-16; John 16:23-24) Do you want to be blessed and happy? Be careful, you surely can't be friends of God if you choose to remain among those many who are deceived! If the joy Jesus promised isn't present from your form of worship, give actual faith in Christ a try. Danger: That is not as simple as it seems it should be... Many Christendom Church members are trying to hide that simple truth, to hide God's Sacred Secret, because they are convinced they know better: They have allowed themselves to be convinced they are blessed by Christ through a membership in their chosen sect, and so, try and convince you to join "them." (Mat 7:15; Luke 13:27 of 25-28) [Some of them might actually mean well: But, that's one identifier of the enemies of Christ, (Mat 7:16 of 15-16) and, part of what makes them wicked. Christ's enemies tell people to join "them," while all true Christians tell you to join, well, Jesus Christ; and, Christians warn you must do so as an individual; never by joining one of the sects of men!] Here is a thought, then, are all Christendom's sectarian followers, each one following their individual divisive doctrines that approve [and segregate] them, are they really any more blessed than those trekking into Gaza worshipping Allah; or the ancient Egyptians or Japanese during their emperor/pharaoh worship? Because some people know and use Jesus's name doesn't make them approved by him. (Luke 13:26-27 of 23-28) How to please God is, of course, your choice to make. (John 6:28-29) But, make no mistake; you are making it! It is God's will we are every one making, or have made, that one same choice. (Isa 45:22-24) Our decision is then the basis of our judgment of our-own-selves... (John 17:3; John 3:18-19 of 16-21)

You are now hearing the Sacred Secret of God; and likely for the first time: (Rom 16:25-27) That because most churches are enemies of the Christ. They actually work to hide the clear and simple truth herein revealed! (Rom 1:18-20) The Tribulation and/or Armageddon is the truth that is rapidly escalating in every way imaginable to destroy all wickedness in our world. (Mat 24:14 of 11-14; Luke 21:25-28) [Do you recognize and see Christ's return through eyes of faith? (Mat 24:29-31) Have you submitted to him by personally expressing faith?)] If you want life, that's what you "must" be doing: Working the works of God by expressing faith in Christ's words. (John 6:28-29; John 6:68-69) All the churches are still trying to sell you salvation through an approved membership in their sect; to convince you you are approved by God by means of "their" blessing... Really, doesn't that seem similar to what the Muslims in Gaza are doing? This page warning against all false religion, including those who misuse Christ's name, (Mat 24:23-25) is just a brief note generated by my having witnessed all those poor ignorant people streaming back into Gaza, carrying signs and flags indicating their faith "their God" has blessed them and made them victorious. And, because of my knowing this whole world is full of people just like them. This is my effort to avoid being one of them my-own-self... But, they do all seem convinced they too are blessed by God! That knowledge leaves you caught in the midst of God's war! (Ecc 8:8; Eph 6:10-18; 2 Cor 10:3-5; Rom 12:17-21) While this letter is brief, there are many additional pages on JustBibleTruth.com to prove scripturally why these things I say are so. I now challenge every person alive to first realize and then examine this danger we all face: Be certain YOU are not just following the men and women who surround and/or support you. (Philippians 3:4-9) Please realize that Christians, the true followers of Christ, are the "individuals" who are joined only by their shared sincere faith in Jesus and his Father יהוה. Any "group Christian meetings" they are joined in are simply in being joined to יהוה through their individual but common prayers for what they know is truth; because their prayers are based in יהוה's promises. (Rev 5:8; Psa 141:2) It doesn't matter if they had previously been Palestinians or Japanese or Jewish or Catholic or Mormon or Jehovah's Witnesses or Protestant or... [Each one of those sects, along with all the many other racial or political or religious groups, think they are different from all other sects; each one imagining they have formed and "are" God's one true organization. That's exactly what keeps them from realizing they are all just alike; they are all lost in that same way! Their blind faith in the men they follow and in their doctrine that titles them (Acts 11:26) is what makes them alike! And, also makes them like those flocking into Gaza...] As for now, and as for YOU and me, it only matters if we have individually and personally abandoned those vain "group hopes" and "their blind faith" in sects or nations of humans; and have actually started listening to and following Jesus Christ. (John 6:28-29) The only doctrine for Christians are the words of Christ! For your part, don't you remain among all those deceived.

I write this because I love you; and, because I have the joy my Lord promised his followers. (John 15:11-17) With eager expectation, then, I express belief we are witness to the revelation of the hopes Jesus promised. I am blessed! I want you to realize how very easy it is to share in Christ's blessings. And, I want to be sure you understand: I am well aware there is nothing special about me; except I know and love יהוה. [That love does, of course, make each of the persons who have it very special!] The point I want you to glean is: I well know "I" have no help to give you or anyone, beyond my simply directing you to read the words of Jesus Christ for your-own-self. You and I are just alike in that regard. Very importantly: I also want to be certain you understand no other human [or group of them] can help you beyond directing you to Christ. If you believe humans can help; if you believe you are being blessed by your membership or association in some human group or sect, you have been deceived. Turn to Christ! You can only do that, and my point is you can only do it as an individual, by making yourself familiar with the words his Father sent Jesus to teach. (John 18:37; John 12:49; John 14:10; John 5:19; John 5:30; John 8:28-30) The sayings and activities of Christ are recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Your unwavering faith (Mark 9:23-24) in the words you personally know Jesus Christ spoke can and must be your one and only salvation! (Acts 4:8-12) Christ's words are your link to God's Spirit! (John 6:63) No person on earth can take your hope; or judge or even know who other true Christians are! (Mat 7:15; Luke 13:25-28) Christian memberships are recorded only in heaven... (Luke 10:20 of 20-24) Blessings from other humans are your enemy; (Luke 6:26; James 4:4) that because all true Christians know they are not judges, either for good or bad! (1 Cor 4:5 of 1-5) How could any real Christian imagine they could render judgment to bless you? (John 17:9 of 6-10) Whether it be religion or politics or drugs or... if you believe in some human membership or association or activity that promises you are blessed; you most surely are not! Draw to Christ... (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Only you and יהוה and his Christ can know if you have done that. But; both are listening... They do know. They do care about YOU and about your choice and about what you are saying to others! (Mal 3:16-4:3) What you are telling other people identifies for our Lord and his Father who you are! (Rom 10:9-10) Give your voice in praise to יהוה: (Eze 3:17-21) Print this webpage and talk about it with everyone you know. If you don't feel the need to profess what you personally believe... you may save yourself just by giving them these scriptures as food for thought. (Eze 3:17-21) Your doing so may help speed us though the end so that, dead in Satan or alive in Christ, we can all be past the suffering. (Mat 24:14) You are a Christian and are being blessed and preserved alive, or you are not; and it is all based on who you have showed יהוה and his Christ you are, by what you are telling others about them! (Mal 3:16-4:3; John 3:18-19 of 16-21; Rom 10:9-10)

This is my best effort to express "my" faith; but amidst so many, how can you know who is right? I am blessed by being a son of יהוה according to Bible directives: Through Abraham and Isaac and Judah; and then by their descendant and my Lord and Prophet and Savior Jesus Christ. (Gal 3:26-29) The Muslims in Gaza have expressed their faith they are blessed as well. They believe they are also descended from Abraham, but though Ishmael rather than Isaac. Their prophet is Mohammed and he gave them the Quran about 800 years after Christ, which book teaches them about their God Allah. The Christendom churches all assert they are blessed by Christ, but, each have a different "doctrine" of faith that defines them as members of "the church" they have chosen. Each one also has some unscriptural form of human priesthood they follow: Priests, prophets, preachers, elders or... (Mat 23:1-15) So we see: All the different religions have expressed their faith they are blessed by God; and have a long history of doing so!

Now, in one respect, I must confess I am just like all those I fear are lost. We are all waiting to see who will be left standing when the faithful receive the true blessings from the One True God. (Mat 24:21-28; Mat 25:31-34) Can't you now see the resolute blind faith of those who are lost, their unwavering dependence on their chosen sect and god, is The One True God's perfect solution? At 77 years old with some serious health problems, when I awake in the morning taking stock, I have to try and reaffirm my faith and that my hope is true: That these really are the last days, and the causes of my aches and pains are being healed*1 as I am headed into eternity [as a perfect man here on earth]. (Isa 11:1-13; Mat 26:29) That is what I believe my God and his Christ have promised me. (Job 33:13-30) As I read these scriptures and weep tears of joy, I believe my healing is taking place in or by that joy! (Pro 16:24; Pro 17:22; Pro 12:25; Pro 15:13; Pro 14:30) Can YOU hear and get the importance of that statement; get the sense of the scriptures I use in support... Many very zealous religious people condemn my belief, and I must admit to understanding my faith is my "faith." That is to say, it is my hope I have "reasoned out" for myself; (Rom 12:1-2) just like everyone else has done. Except, of course, I am convinced I have actually and truly been listening to Jesus Christ. (Mat 17:5) Of all the faiths I have become aware of, mine is the only one that makes sense. That is because the Bible is the only sensible explanation of creation and our existence; and, I am convinced my faith is based on the Bible. Most of the churches and sects will acknowledge I am right about all the other religions, except theirs of course; and will then lump me right in with all those they also "know" are lost to God. So, we see, I too have set my hope, and am unlikely to be able to change. Nor would I want to. My hope is truth! I guess, though, everyone in all the other religious must have that same conviction... Just think about that... Isn't the fact all these people are gathered by their own chosen faith, into their respective religions [or nations or race or whatever]; isn't that really just a perfect solution! That is Armageddon... (Rev 19:17-19; Rev 16:16) As Armageddon's terrors escalate to make our world so dangerous it doesn't seem to matter if we are young or old; we are all facing death without God's protection. (1 Thes 5:1-9; 2 Thes 1:6-12; Mat 25:31-34; Luke 21:25-28) But again I ask, can't you now see, our personally chosen faith identifies us as we are each one standing before the judgment seat of God. And make no mistake, we each one "are" doing so! Then, we are each one receiving what we deserve based on the faith we have built. All except the "actual" faithful followers of Christ, of course: In place of what we "deserve," (Psa 103:10-11; Rom 3:23-26) "the faithful" are receiving the free gift of God according to our faith in Jesus Christ. (Rom 3:21-26 of 19-26; Eph 5:1-2; 2 Cor 2:14-17) If you are a Christian, you must surely understand all this; and, be talking about your hope in Christ. (Rom 10:10 of 9-13) I'll see you soon, then, in paradise. (Mal 3:16-4:3) So, then, don't you now understand, I  try to believe  "have convinced myself" I am past having to worry... What about you? What is your faith? (2 Chron 20:17) Do you believe Jesus's words when he  said  promised "your faith" will determine what will become of YOU? (Mat 9:22; Eph 2:8; Mark 10:52; Luke 7:50; Luke 17:19; Luke 18:42; Acts 14:9; Luke 8:40‑55; Mat 8:13; Luke 6:19; Mat 9:27‑30; Luke 8:48 of 42‑48; John 7:37‑39; John 19:34)

*1 Footnote on being healed: I mentioned above I believe I am seeing the fulfillment of the promises from the Book of Job that my youthful vigor is being restored. (Job 33:13-30) Please don't imagine you might look at me to see if that is happening; to see if I "might" be right and actually am being restored to better than my youthful health... While I hope that is happening really fast, I rather expect it will be gradual. Otherwise people would try to flock to Christ to be healed, like they years ago followed him for the bread he gave them. (John 6:25-29) What I mean is, by the time my health is restored to the point you will be able to see it on me, you will most surely be either in the process of being healed yourself, or already dead! (Mat 25:31-34 & 41) The gift of our bodies becoming "fresher than the days of our youth" is the reward of Christians who have faith; probably not for those still looking for "signs"... (1 Cor 1:22-25 of 18-31)

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